Appels des familles

31-07-2006 à 14:38:45
Que vous passiez par un organisme ou que vous fassiez vos démarches seul(e) vous serez confronté (e) à un appel téléphonique avec la famille et c'est bien de se préparer un minimum, surtout si c'est la première fois que vous le faite.

Donc voici quelques questions type que la famille peut poser à sa future au pair (pour la traduction des questions incomprises demandez moi)

- Why have you chosen to become an au pair?

- Have you ever been away from your family before? How do you feel about leaving your family for a year?

- Have you had any friends that have been an au pairs?

- What have you studied in school?

- What type of job have you had recently?

- How many years have you studied English?

- What do you enjoy most about working with children?

- Do you drive? How often? Have you ever driven an automatic car?

- Would you accept a family taht has pets? Would you be willing to take the dog for walks or feed them

- If you are vegetarian, will you cook meat for the children?

- Do you smoke? How often?

- Have you been in London before?

- Are you familiar with english culture and family values?

- What is your childcare experience? Have you already look after young children (or children)? Have you ever bathed or cookedmeals for children? What are the ages of the chlidren you have cared in the past?

- How do you discipline children? How were you disciplined as a child?

- What type of relationship do you have with your family? How do they feel about you coming in London for a year?

- Would you be happy in the host family's community, it may be: isolated, a city, suburban, or rural. What type of area do you currently live in?

- What type of household are expected of you in your home? do you have to make to dinner,take out the garbage?

- Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? How do they feel about you leaving them for a year? Are they plan to visit you?

- What type of hobbies do you have?

- Do you like sports, travel, swinning, the beach, etc?

- Do you undeerstand what it's like to spend 35 hours (or 25,30,45 hours it's depend your host family) a week with young children? Have ever cared child for an extended period of time?

- Do both your parents work?

- Do you cook? What types of meal do you envisioncooking for the children?

- Do you consider yourself a tidy or messy person? Would you have a problem joining a very messy or neat household?

- Who do you live with at the moment? With your parents or on your own?

Good Luck!

--Message édité par le 31-07-06 à 14:40:41--
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